29, Dec 2022
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29, Dec 2022
Personal Evaluation

Compliment of the Season, We give all thanks to almighty God for His constant protection over us from January till December, God had kept us and as also kept His promises over us and our families. Today I would love to ask you a question, Since God had kept His…

20, Nov 2021
Ever Wonder Why God doesn’t Fail?

Why God does what He does, but we can trust in who God says He is. But what about when God doesn’t seem fair? For example, how is it fair that people have vastly different opportunities depending on their financial status, their family situation, and where they grew up? In…

5, May 2021

Let’s flashback to Paul. He’s in prison. Not for a crime but for speaking about Jesus. He may be executed. He writes to his friends in Philippi, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4 NIV). Then he sounds like your mama because he repeats himself, just in case you aren’t…

3, Mar 2021
3, Mar 2021
Do You Go to Extremes?

First Peter 5:8 (AMP) tells us to be well-balanced, self-disciplined, alert, and cautious at all times in order to keep Satan from gaining an advantage over us. Satan doesn’t care if we do too much or too little of something. As long as we are extreme, he is satisfied! For…

2, Mar 2021
No Compromise!

To compromise means to go a little bit below what you know to be right, and it is a major way Satan deceives people. The devil says that “just once” won’t hurt. That is what he told Jesus when he tempted Him in the wilderness (see Luke 4). He said…

10, Jan 2021
10, Jan 2021
The Devil Apple – Part 1 by DKIC – Drama

The Devil Apple – Part 2 by DKIC – Drama The Devil Apple – Part 3 by DKIC – Drama God bless you as you watch. Don’t forget to subscribe to DKIC Channel Rev. Fredrick

10, Jan 2021
When Jesus Say Yes (Song) – By DKI-Choir

God bless you all Amen. Rev. Fredrick

5, Dec 2020
Trapped in my own world

let’s start by asking a question, what are you trapped in? is it social media, friends, video games, parties, fashions, e.t.c Am not saying the above things are bad, but when we make it our top priorities, it becomes a sin before God. The bible warns us not to follow…

24, Oct 2020
God’ Love

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s love is the only love that never falters and never fails. Take comfort in your faith and knows that God truly loves you, now and forever. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves…

10, Aug 2020
God, The Unchangeable Changer

Greetings beloved family, have you tried and trust God before and He fails you? Beloved God can be trusted in times of need and He will never fails you no wonder the bible say when a mans ways please the Lord He will make his enemy at peace with him…

20, Apr 2020
Praise Looks Good On You

Let’s give thanks to God for the grace-giving unto us each day. Let’s feed our thought with this word of encouragement. “If we would talk more about the Lord and praise Him, we would have less time to talk about ourselves.” “Satan so hates the genuine praise of Christ that…

19, Feb 2020
Are you willing and obedient?

Click, Listen and be blessed. God bless you Amen. Click on the this link – to listen on all our Messages. Rev. Fredrick

13, Aug 2019
Beautiful Feet

Oh, how beautiful are the feet of those who tell the good news of God’s love for the world. We tend to think that only those who go out to places like China, Mexico, the Congo, and the Philippines are the ones spreading the Good News. In reality, all of…

13, Aug 2019
It’s Good To be Good

Have you ever thought of this word “It’s good to be Good” and have you ever asked WHY? 1: Because it is the only way to have a chance at having self-respect. We can only have self-respect if we respect who we actually are, we can’t if we only respect…

23, Jun 2019
Bread of Life

Let’s start by asking ourselves this question? Why do we need food, I know most of our answer is, to grow, to be health, but do you know as bread is as important to us for growth so also the word of God is important for our spiritual growth? As…

24, Apr 2019
So grateful

On behave of Destiny Kids Calgary International Church we want to say a very big thank you to all that attend the found raising @ Calgary – Canada. Word is not enough of our blessed and happy we are, all we could do or say is that may the God…

16, Mar 2019
The Best Gift of All

One of the greatest gift a parent can give a child is not money, education, but rather is Jesus Christ, every other gift will come and go but Jesus Christ is for life. Beloved train your children in the way of the Lord so that when they grow they will…

9, Mar 2019
DKIC Choir Ministration

DKIC Choir Ministration@ CAC Globe Mission It was a grate day, all thanks to God almighty for what He is doing in and through Destiny Kids International. We are moving forward in Jesus might name Amen

20, Feb 2019
Love Connection!!!

Have you ever imagine the kind of Love God showed to us, regardless of our rebellious mind He still Loved us and will always Love us. His word made us to understand according to 1 corin. 6: 1-18 That no matter what we have if Love is missing is useless.…

9, Feb 2019
The Law & Sin

When you break the Law you commit a sin. Law is binding on a person only as long as he lives? What is Law: Law is a rule defining correct procedure or behavior in a sport. While SIN: is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine LAW.…

8, Feb 2019
How is your Reputation?

How do people view you? What kind of reputation do you have? Such questions are important to consider, reason is that the ways people views you matter allot to you. The way people view you often reflects the kind of life you are living. Knowing that our actions speak louder…

5, Jan 2019
Be specific in your prayer

To be specific means to use facts and details to make sure you are communicating clearly. Being specific is knowing what you need, how you need it, where and when you need it. According to Mark 10:49-51 49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man,…

2, Jan 2019
God of Wonders

According to Matthew 14: 19 “And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the…

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19, Dec 2018
Who Am I

The teenage years can be difficult and lonely as most teens struggle to fit in and take on new responsibilities. Media and peers both constantly bombard youth with the message that they are never good enough and will never measure up. No wonder most teens end up hopeless and lonely!…

19, Dec 2018
Be the Church

What is the definition of church? Many christian definition about the  church is a building where we meet and pray, in one hand they are correct, but according to God’s standard we (the people are the church) According to Matthew 16:18 we saw Jesus refer Peter as the church. What are…

19, Dec 2018
Merry Christmas in Advance

Christmas in one of the most important event for every one, a time to celebrate, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? According to John 3:16 God demonstrate His unconditional love to man kind by sending His one and only Son to come and die for us.  It can be…

26, Aug 2023
God Faithfulness!

Greetings in Jesus might name, have you ever experience the faithfulness of God before? Can God change? I am here today to inform you that God can be trusted no matter what may happen. What is God Faithfulness: God is unchanging in his nature, true to his Word, has promised…

7, Aug 2023
I will Fulfill Destiny!

Greetings in Jesus mighty name, Do you know it’s the plan of God for you and me to Fulfill destiny? What is Destiny and how can we fulfill it? Come find it out as Destiny International Church for Christ is put up a revival which is tagged “I WILL FULFILL…

Photograph - Landscape, Nile River, Luxor, Egypt, World War II, 1939-1943
11, Mar 2023
Story of Moses @ the Nile

On the 4th of March we took our Sunday School to the Nile. During our time at the Nile we talk about the story of Abraham all the way to Moses in the land of Egypt. It was a great time exploring the bible with the Sunday School. Glory to…

29, Aug 2022
Self Gratification

Greetings in Jesus mighty name, today am here to draw your attention on the act of self gratification what it meant and the danger of it in our our leave. According to the dictionary self gratification the act of pleasing oneself or of satisfying one’s desires especially : the satisfying…

10, Jul 2022
Stressful but Fun – Testimony

There is allot to learn from children if you are willing to learn DICC Children department (Both Maadi and Hillashir) had a trip to family land – as a means of social event. Quot from Mercy “Our trip to this park thought us allot of lesson as leader we sow…

28, Nov 2021
DICC – Praise & Worship Day

God has been so good to us, He has kept our lives from the power of death and sorrow, so we are putting up a praise day in other to say thank you God for all you’ve done for us. So let come together and celebrate. God bless you as…

20, Jun 2021
Life without Christ

Greetings to you all, have you of any time thinking about how it feels like to be without breath? is the same as living in this world without Christ. The bible tell us to search for the Lord in the days of our youth Ecc 12: 1 say “Remember your…
