Bread of Life
Let’s start by asking ourselves this question? Why do we need food, I know most of our answer is, to grow, to be health, but do you know as bread is as important to us for growth so also the word of God is important for our spiritual growth?
As important as food for the soul so also the word of God according to John 6:35 “Jesus said He is the bread of Life”
A minister once told me that it is difficult for a hungry man to receives the word of God in his heart when he is hungry, first meet his pressing needs (food) then give the massage by so doing he will willing receive the massage of salvation.
Joshua 1: 8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
Most Christian are so busy that we forget the most important things we need, I have come to understand that no matter how busy we are we can’t forget the physical food, but we never border to seek the spiritual food.
Recently one of the youths in Destiny kids called me up at night that she’s not happy and that she needs a help from me.
I asked her what the problem, she told me that she’s not happy because she’s not reading the Word of God (the Bible) and this make her sad so she’s needed a help on how to study the word.
I was so happy with her and willing to help because she saw the need of God word, how I wish everybody can be like her, she long for God word and she seek for it.
No wonder the bible says in the book of Mathew 7:7”ask and it shall be giving unto you, seek you say find knock and the door will be open, 8. For those who asked it shall be given, those who seek shall find and for those who knock the door will be open.”
Due to Nyanden step of faith in studying the bible, 6 other youths had joined her in studying the book of Proverb which I gave her.
Beloved you can do the same, let’s hunger after God’s word just the way we hunger for physical food, if you can remember the temptation of Jesus on the mountain after He has fasted for forty days and night, He was able to defect the devil because of the Word inside of him, when we are tempted by devil how can you fight back when our heart is empty.
Think about this today and make your choose to seek after the spiritual food which is the word of God.
God Bless you as you do so
Pastor Fredrick